
The history of porcelain



Here we have collected all important events and personalities in the history of porcelain for you.



Alois Senefelder

The inventor of stone printing

Antiquity - an era in the creation of porcelain

Porcelain in atiquity.


The origin of the "white gold" as we know it today.

Christian Netzsch - Curse and blessing of the German porcelain industry

The isostatic press and its importance for the German porcelain industry.

C.M. Hutschenreuther

The fallen number 1 in the porcelain industry.

German technology

Where do the major German porcelain manufacturers stand today? Here we show you the latest course of German porcelain history!

Dietrich Engmann

Dietrich Engmann and his decisive patent.

Dr. Wilhelm Pukall

A digital monument to the tireless research work of Dr. Wilhelm Pukall.

François Vatel - Inventor of catering tableware

How Porcelain reached the ordinary citizen from the nobility via the bourgeoisie.

Quality levels 

The quality level of porcelain over time.

Heinz H. Engler

The revolution of the system tableware by H. Engler.

Johann F. Böttger

Between genius and madness. The renewed "inventor" of porcelain.

Josephine Cochrane - the inventor of the dishwasher

The invention of the dishwasher - a milestone in the history of porcelain.

Josiah Spode

Josiah Spode - The creator of Fine Bone China.

Josiah Wedgwood

The grandfather of the theory of evolution of porcelain.

Katharina von Medici - the spiritual inventor of tableware

How Katharina of Medici influenced todays gastronomy.

Marco Polo - the secret inventor of European porcelain

Marco..      ..Polo! The export of Chinese porcealin to Europe begins.

History of well-known brands

How did porcelain come to Europe and who was involved in its development?


The first production facility for European porcelain. By now for over 300 years.

Neolithic - an important epoch for the creation of porcelain

Porcelain in the stone age?

Thomas Frye

The bone china by Thomas Frye.


Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus - a revolutionary in the invention of porcelain.

William Cookworthy

The discoverer of the kaolin deposit in England. The porcelain production can begin!

Yue Xi Huang

A great character and possibly todays most educated master in Porcelain business.
