Terms and Conditions
2. Prepayment
3. SEPA direct debit (for new customers)
Konto Number 79049797
If you have any questions to the types of payment do not hesitate to contact our sales team under +49 (0) 5201 849551, mondays to fridays from 08:00 am to 05:00 pm (CET), thank you.
Packaging units
Depending of the ordered quantity and the weight of the shipment freight costs will be charged. Our products are usually just available in our packing units (VE). Generally the packaging unit for plates and cups is 6 pcs. Bulky products or heavy articles 2 or 1 piece. The packaging unit for each article is visibly stated and the order can only come in the given packaging units.
Shipping and product packages
Since the introduction of packaging ordinance we abandon luxury packaging to protect the environment and safe unnecessary costs. Porcelain by Holst is exclusively delivered in simple, recycable paper and cardboard packings. This underline our motto "Simple and Strong" - protects the environment and the purse. Generally we deliver our goods on euro pallets or one-way pallets to minimize the risks of breakage for our customers. Black wrapped pallets are delivered safely and do not tempt for stealing! Smaller commissions and retail ware is delivered in cardboard boxes with protective packaging.
Usually we deliver in the following shipping units:
Shipments from 2 to 30 kg in cardboard packages via DHL
Shipments from 30 to 45 kg on one-way pallets (60 x 80 cm/ 40 x 60 cm)
Shipments from 45 kg on EURO-pallets/One-way pallets (120 x 80 cm)
The costs for shipping boxes are within our freight costs. The recipient has to pay the few for the waste disposal. Customers are free to decide to be freed from the fees. In that case we need a corresponding declaration.
The fees for disposal of the shipment package are for convenience only already calculated in our prices. If a customer has seperately agreed, written conditions (e.g. trade discount) the disposal fee is seperately stated.
For more information about the packaging ordinance and the dual system contact our partner BellandVision GmbH · Bahnhofstraße 9 · D-91257 Pegnitz · Tel.: +49 (0) 9241 - 4832 - 0 · Fax: +49 (0) 9241 - 4832 - 444 or on http://www.bellandvision.de/. Euro-pallets have to be exchanged by the recipient in the EURO- exchange pool.
We state clearly, that Holst Porzellan/Germany has no profit prospects with the calculation of freight costs. We pass the freight costs in our debited average to our customers.
From (kg) | To (kg) | Freight costs (incl. VAT) |
0 | 0,999 | 7,14 € |
1 | 14,999 | 9,52 € |
15 | 29,999 | 19,04 € |
30 | 44,999 | 28,56 € |
45 | 59,999 | 38,08 € |
60 | 124,999 | 75,42 € |
125 | 174,999 | 83,82 € |
175 | 224,999 | 88,58 € |
225 | 274,999 | 102,49 € |
275 | 374,999 | 124,06 € |
375 | 474,999 | 139,60 € |
475 | 574,999 | 159,31 € |
575 | 674,999 | 178,80 € |
675 | 774,999 | 195,98 € |
775 | 874,999 | 214,87 € |
875 | 974,999 | 231,53 € |
975 | 1074,999 | 245,44 € |
1075 | 1174,999 | 259,49 € |
1175 | 1274,999 | 268,42 € |
1275 | 1474,999 | 287,01 € |
1475 | 1974,999 | 345,92 € |
1975 | Beliebig | 450,00 € |
(*) except german islands. Island surcharges on demand.
Freight costs - for shipments to Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic
From (kg) | To (kg) | Freight costs (incl. VAT) |
0 | 0,999 | 15,47 € |
1 | 2,999 | 17,85 € |
3 | 4,999 | 20,83 € |
5 | 14,999 | 30,94 € |
15 | 19,999 | 51,77 € |
20 | 24,999 | 61,88 € |
25 | 29,999 | 61,88 € |
30 | 34,999 | 82,71 € |
35 | 39,999 | 92,82 € |
40 | 44,999 | 92,82 € |
45 | 59,999 | 123,76 € |
60 | 299,999 | 145,00 € |
300 | 399,999 | 160,00 € |
400 | 499,999 | 195,00 € |
500 | 599,999 | 215,00 € |
600 | 699,999 | 230,00 € |
700 | 799,999 | 240,00 € |
800 | Beliebig | 300,00 € |
Freights costs - for shipments to Italy, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary
From (kg) | To (kg) | Freight costs (incl. VAT) |
0 | 0,999 | 16,00 € |
1 | 2,999 | 19,04 € |
3 | 4,999 | 22,02 € |
5 | 14,999 | 33,32 € |
15 | 19,999 | 52,36 € |
20 | 29,999 | 66,64 € |
30 | 34,999 | 88,66 € |
35 | 44,999 | 99,96 € |
45 | 54,999 | 121,98 € |
55 | 59,999 | 133,28 € |
60 | 64,999 | 155,00 € |
65 | 74,999 | 185,00 € |
75 | 89,999 | 189,00 € |
90 | 104,999 | 219,00 € |
105 | Beliebig | 256,00 € |
From (kg) | To (kg) | Freight costs (excl. VAT) |
0 | 0,999 | 16,00 € |
1 | 2,999 | 17,00 € |
3 | 4,999 | 19,00 € |
5 | 14,999 | 35,00 € |
15 | 19,999 | 54,00 € |
20 | 29,999 | 70,00 € |
30 | 34,999 | 89,00 € |
35 | 44,999 | 105,00 € |
50 | 49,999 | 124,08 € |
50 | 59,999 | 140,00 € |
60 | 64,999 | 159,00 € |
65 | 74,999 | 175,00 € |
75 | 100 | 193,28 € |
100 | 200 | 252,10 € |
200 | 300 | 336,13 € |
300 | 500 | 420,17 € |
Freight costs - for shipments to Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuana, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Cyprus
From (kg) | To (kg) | Freight costs (incl. VAT) |
0 | 0,999 | 16,66 € |
1 | 2,999 | 19,64 € |
3 | 4,999 | 22,61 € |
5 | 14,999 | 35,70 € |
15 | 19,999 | 58,31 € |
20 | 29,999 | 71,40 € |
30 | 34,999 | 94,01 € |
35 | 44,999 | 129,71 € |
50 | 59,999 | 142,80 € |
60 | 149,999 | 200,00 € |
150 | 199,999 | 250,00 € |
200 | 299,999 | 300,00 € |
300 | 399,999 | 350,00 € |
400 | 499,999 | 400,00 € |
500 | Beliebig |
Freight costs - for shipments to Switzerland, Liechtenstein
From (kg) | To (kg) | Freight costs (excl. VAT) |
0 | 0,999 | 20,83 € |
1 | 2,999 | 22,61 € |
3 | 4,999 | 24,99 € |
5 | 14,999 | 30,94 € |
15 | 19,999 | 55,93 € |
20 | 29,999 | 61,88 € |
30 | 34,999 | 86,87 € |
35 | 44,999 | 92,82 € |
50 | 49,999 | 117,81 € |
50 | 59,999 | 123,76 € |
60 | 199,999 | 200,00 € |
200 | 299,999 | 300,00 € |
300 | 399,999 | 350,00 € |
400 | 499,999 | 400,00 € |
500 | Beliebig |
Freight and shipping costs for a shipment via express
If you need the ware on the following day or to a fix date we offer you a shipment via express or a shipment with guaranteed delivery. This option is also available for international shipments, which can be sent by parcel service. E.g. we calculate for a package with a shipping weight of 15 kg for a delivery on the following day (mo-fr) within Germany EUR 22,00 + VAT. A delivery on a saturday or sunday with a parcel service is also possible. Furthermore a fix time of delivery can be booked. Please contact us via phone for an offer.
We reserve the right to offer our customer after the order worth at least EUR 1.000,-- + VAT a different, cheaper option of freight, because we have to state the freight information due to the AGB-jurisdiction in public.
Customers who collect their ware by themselves in our storage in Bielefeld, in our store or at one of our autorized retail partners do not pay any freight costs!
If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact our sales team via phone under +49 5201 849551,from mondays to fridays, 08:30 am - 05:00 pm CET, thank you.