Sharp edged bottom

Sharp edged bottoms and bases

Edges, production residues and small holes in base rings and levelling feet are a clear problem of insufficient care in the production of porcelain and are definitely an avoidable circumstance. Particularly in the case of large mass-produced items that are subject to tough price competition, such as pizza plates, stacking cups, mugs and canteen plates, this defect is unfortunately often an unavoidable result of the tough pricing. If customers paid more for this, more money would be available for careful finishing. 

Whether it is actually a defect or just a visual perception is determined by the sharpness of the edges. As a rule of thumb: As long as break edges do not protrude or cause external damage, they are acceptable as part of a mixed grade or standard commercial grade (b-grade), but must not occur in the labelled first grade.

Attention: When using legitimately defective goods, neither the manufacturer nor the dealer are liable for damage caused by the porcelain (obligation to inspect the goods before use). See disclaimer!

