
(Image rights: Wikipedia)

In the history of mankind, the production of clay-based vessels for storing food was a significant milestone! The end of the Middle Stone Age marked the domestication of animals and plants and laid the foundation for animal husbandry and agriculture. But it was not until around 4,000 years before Christ - in the Neolithic period - that the art of pottery (ribbon pottery/string pottery) became one of the essential prerequisites for the settlement of humans in northern and central Europe: People were able to hoard food.

In the further development of mankind, the vessels were elaborately decorated - similar to the cave paintings until 2,500 BC. In Central Europe, tribes mostly under Celtic rule made their way into the Bronze and Iron Ages. In the southern provinces of China and today's northern provinces of Vietnam, people had already mastered the fine art of high-firing, a preliminary stage of porcelain production. As far as the connection between humans and tableware is concerned, the historical race to make porcelain is relatively unimportant! Man, food and tableware represent an immediate connection that has had a great influence on human evolution since at least 2,500 BC! 

The next important epoch of porcelain creation takes us to antiquity.
