Trademark Rights


The customer's name is protected!

As a rule, a vignette contains a brand name, a brand logo or another copyright-protected feature or, in case of doubt, represents the intellectual property of the client. For example (picture above) the protected Mercedes-Benz logo.

Holst Porzellan takes these trademark rights very seriously and submits to any recognition of third-party trademark rights. Confidentiality declarations requested by customers are recognised and signed.

However, we cannot be expected to check the legality of trade mark rights submitted to us or to compare them with the existence of third party trade mark rights and copyrights.

In the event of a notice of defects or non-fulfilment, whether justified or unjustified, we are prohibited by law from selling goods with existing third-party trademark rights or from satisfying our claims against the customer in whole or in part from a resale. The law requires us to store the goods concerned at our own expense until we receive a court order.

For this reason, we only accept vignette orders with a prepayment agreement!
